You Can Now Find Michaelangelo's Sistine Chapel … in an Irving Mall
, and the Vatican has tried to limit its daily guest totals just so people don't have to fast forward too much through such a monumental work, a testament to Michelangelo's passion and talent.
"Our CEO [Martin Biallas of SEE Global Entertainment] had gone to the Sistine Chapel and had a horrible experience," says exhibition spokeswoman Melanie Nelson."He was rushed through the whole thing. He thought there's got to be a way to bring this part to the public."is an interactive tour of life-size recreations of Michelangelo's most famous and ambitious works of art. The exhibition is open from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. every Wednesday-Sunday until March 27.
"I've been to the Sistine Chapel and wanted to see pictures of it up close," says Patti Weatherred of Carrolton, who visited the exhibition on Friday."This is amazing. There's so much more detail and when you're in the Chapel, it's so high that you can't make out the detail." "I've loved Michelangelo since I was in high school," says Tina Burr who came from Smithville to see the paintings."He's one of my favorite artists. This is probably as close I'm going to get to it."