A look back at the events of 2023 in Northern Ireland, including the ongoing absence of government at Stormont due to the DUP's blocking of power sharing.
Another year done and dusted, where did it go? If you're talking about a functioning Executive and Assembly at Stormont , it went absolutely nowhere as we remain without government here due to the DUP 's blocking of power sharing due to post-Brexit trading arrangements .
2023 was the year where US President Joe Biden stopped off for a (very) quick visit to Belfast, the PSNI faced a series of scandals which led to the resignation of Chief Constable Simon Byrne, whilst one of its senior officers was shot in a heinous attack in Omagh. We started the year with a cost-of-living crisis which many are still feeling the effects of, while Sinn Féin toasted another electoral victory by coming out on top in the local council elections. READ MORE: The Northern Ireland bank branches set to close in 2024 READ MORE: Northern Ireland couple win £
Northern Ireland Stormont Government DUP Power Sharing Post-Brexit Trading Arrangements US President Joe Biden PSNI Scandals Chief Constable Simon Byrne Omagh Cost-Of-Living Crisis Sinn Féin Electoral Victory Local Council Elections