For every life-hack video on TikTok, there’s another one debunking it
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photos: SplashNews Now more than ever, people are experiencing fashion through their phones. In “Screen Time,” fashion writer Emilia Petrarca shares all the screenshots, double taps, and swipes she made this week.
In hundreds and hundreds of videos, women of all ages, shapes, and sizes teach their followers about how to flip their bikinis and tie them differently to make them more flattering. One girl demonstrates 11 various ways to tie a simple top, calling at least three of them “super cute,” and one of them “literally adorable.” So easy!!! Or so it seems.
One of my favorites — mostly because it’s so absurd — is the hack where you layer two bikini bottoms on top of each other to create a top, instead of just … buying a top. But whatever works, I guess. Apparently, it is. Of course, there have always been absurd bathing suits out there. Back in the day, women used to wear wool to the beach, so I guess you could say there’s been a marked improvement in swimwear over time. But I’m pretty sure Instagram reversed whatever progress we’ve been making — and by Instagram, I mostly mean the Kardashians and Kardashian-adjacents.