Daily News | What the new U.S. law protecting pregnant workers means for Pennsylvania
related to fertility treatments, morning sickness, lactation, gestational diabetes, pregnancy loss and postpartum depression, as well as time off for childbirth recovery and time off for accessing abortion care.under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act on June 27., but for Pennsylvanians outside the city the new federal law will provide protections they didn’t have before, said Sophia Elliot, a staff attorney with the Pennsylvania-based Women’s Law Project.pregnant people in the state.
A lot of people take maternity leave under the Family Medical Leave Act, which protects their job for up to 12 weeks of leave post-childbirth. How is the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act different? The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act does not require that you have a pregnancy-related disability. It provides accommodations for any sort of ordinary accommodation that someone might need through their pregnancy, regardless of whether there’s an associated disability.