The author of 'The Power of Intention' was a father of eight who shared gentle advice at home as well.
Saje recalled driving with her dad when the Lee Ann Womack song “I Hope You Dance” came on the radio. As they listened to the lyrics, Dyer said he agreed with every line except the one urging people to “never settle for the path of least resistance.”
“Because you should always take the path of least resistance. If the universe is offering you resistance, it's there for a reason,” he told her. “If you're finding yourself fighting and fighting for something and you just keep getting no’s, you should ask: Why is this not working out for me? Is this not meant to be?”Let go of the way you think things should be, Saje said. It’s surrendering to the situation you're in in your life, but not giving up.
That’s when they thought about the stars during the day: Just because people can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there.There are always things that we can’t experience with our five senses — stars still exist in the daylight and your loved ones are still here even though you can't see them, Serena said. She still feels her father guiding and encouraging her.
“Our experience as humans is limited by our bodies,” she noted. “Your mind is telling you your experience is only real if you can see it. But we were raised on the opposite idea, which is that you have to believe it and then you will see it.”Dyer used to tell the story of a man who went out dancing the night after finding out his soldier son had died in war. When asked how he could do it, the man said, “At some point, I’m going to have to move on from my sorrow or it’s going to kill me.