Vitasoy Australia chief executive David Tyack predicts the plant-based milk market will continue to grow, noting there hasn't been a contraction in the past decade.
A major Australian plant-based milk processor is forecasting its highest yearly production as consumers continue to embrace the dairy alternative.Almond milk rises to become the number one plant-based milkVitasoy Australia is tipped to produce about 70 million litres of soy, almond, oat, rice, and coconut milks on top of a new line of soy and oat-based yoghurts this year.
"There's a needs basis. People who can't have lactose, and for coeliacs the only way to engage with milk is through rice milk," he said.Vitasoy said its most popular product for the past five years had been almond milk, however Mr Tyack expected oat milk to soon become the number one plant-based milk.
Central Victorian plant-based ingredient company Unigrain co-chief executive Andrew May said producers should see plant-based markets as an opportunity rather than a challenge.