Memorial Day Weekend may be about remembering the fallen, but it is also an appropriate time to check in on our nation's veterans.
FORT WAYNE, IN — Across the country, veterans are anxiously awaiting for the next moves by the VA as the department is undergoing a multi-year evaluation to determine where new facilities need to be built and old facilities need to close.
In Fort Wayne, a hot topic remains the local VA hospital and a recent recommendation that it should close.Fraizer isn't alone. His pals, who are also veterans, joined him today for an interview.Bruce Lehman, another Vietnam vet, continues to get care from the local VA for mental health as well as for being an Agent Orange recipient.In 2018, former President Donald Trump signed the VA Mission Act, which created the Asset and Infrastructure Review Commission.
It is important to note that any recommendations to the upcoming AIR Commission are just that, recommendations. Nothing is changing now for Veterans' access to care or VA employees. In the long run, AIR recommendations could impact VHA facilities and staff, but it’s too early to know exactly what or where those impacts might be. VA will remain in all of our health care markets.