The traveling Texas nurse accused of killing six people after driving at high speed through a red light was allegedly driving faster than what authorities initially thought and even accelerated before the horror accident.
The traveling Texas nurse accused of killing six people after driving at high speed through a red light at a busy intersection in Windsor Hills, California, was allegedlyand even accelerated before the horror accident. In court documents filed by the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office, officials said Nicole Linton was driving 130 mph just before the Aug. 4 crash, a significant increase from the initial report, which stated she was driving 90 mph.
The district attorney’s office argues that Linton “was conscious and deliberate in her driving,” according to the court documents obtained by the. Prosecutors analyzed data from the Mercedes Linton was driving and said she had “complete control over steering, maintaining the tilt of the steering wheel to keep her car traveling directly toward the crowded intersection.