To celebrate the Apollo11 Moon landing, a Hawaii brewer is using space dust to create an 'interplanetary ale'
As he grew up, Steve transferred that boyish admiration over to NASA, the independent government organization responsible for space exploration and the 1969 moon landing. He has long been a fan of the exploratory spirit. But the idea for a beer from space came about spontaneously.
Lanikai Brewer Steve Haumschild uses yeast strains he captures around Hawaii to produce the beer in his"Hawaiian Wild Ales" series.Before long, no doubt aided by a couple cold ones, the three amigos came up with a plan to catch"space yeast" during one of their next flights through the stratosphere at 70,000 feet. But how exactly do you catch yeast, let alone yeast that's flying through space? The same way you catch fish, Steve said - by luring it.
After the flight, Steve sent the samples to Justin Amaral, Co-Owner and Head of Lab Services at Mainiacal Yeast Labs in Maine, aAn analysis revealed that the lure had worked - two different strains were collected. One was unfit for brewing, but the other had potential. It wouldn't be able to produce a palatable beer on its own - it wasn't able to consume enough sugar - but when combined with an earthly strain, the"space yeast" could be used as a foundation.
"I'm excited to share what I've found with other brewers," he said."We didn’t know what we were going to get [by trying to capture yeast in space], and to be honest I truly didn’t think it was going to work, but in the spirit of exploration, I figured, let’s try it. That’s what NASA is about, that's what [Lanikai Brewing] is about."
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