Jessica Lowman said she had no idea her Amazon Alexa speaker had such a function until she did some investigating and uncovered more than she bargained for
A woman on TikTok revealed the unusual way she found out her partner was cheating after an Alexa speaker recorded conversations of her unfaithful lover in the act. , the Mirror reports.
The woman took to TikTok to discuss her surprise discovery and shared some clips recorded by her Alexa device. Jessica's video details a screen recording of her Alexa account, where individual clips can be played of sounds that the device has picked up. In a bid to help other partners who have a hunch that their lover might be having an affair, Jessica added the words "one for the girls" onto the video. The app shows numerous recordings under the 'voice history' section. In the first one Jessica shares, a woman is heard saying "Alexa what do you do then? Play Power Trip by Miguel".