REI is throwing a massive Presidents Day sale, and outdoor cooking gear, water bottles, coolers, and more are up to 50% off. Shop our picks, starting at just $2.
Katie Brown is a commerce writer for Food & Wine, Eating Well, Allrecipes, and Serious Eats. An avid home cook and baker, she has no shortage of opinions when it comes to kitchen so close we can almost taste it. To prepare accordingly, now’s a great time to start stocking up on the products you need to cookHaving dinner for one? This single table setting comes with everything you need to picnic in style, and it’s 43% off right now.
Shoppers Say These ‘Razor Sharp’ Henckels Knives Are the ‘Best They’ve Ever Used’—and They're 62% Off at AmazonREI’s Sale Section Is Overflowing With Deals on the Gear You Need for Camping Season—Up to 61% OffWe’ve Tested Thousands of Kitchen Products, and 15 of Our Favorites Are on Sale This Presidents DayThe 9 Best Valentine’s Day Gifts Under $25 From Amazon That Will Make Anyone Feel LovedSur La Table’s Sale Section Is Hiding Major Deals on Top Kitchen Brands, Starting at $22Henckels,...