Sorry Taurus, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces... you're about to HATE this month ⛔️
If you’re one of the zodiac signs who will have the worst month of October 2022, don’t let it bring you down. This doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to experience disaster, only that the planets are placing a little more strain on you than usual. However, let’s not forget that when you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place, it’s also the perfect amount of pressure to form a diamond.
As Jupiter retrogrades back into spiritual, empathetic and highly sensitive Pisces on October 28, you may feel even more receptive to emotional openness. This will be beautiful energy to use for healing, so embrace a sense of being one with the universe. However, as argumentative Mars in Gemini stations retrograde on October 30, you’re about to learn so much about when to bite your tongue and when to tell someone off. Remember—words can leave a lasting impact.
However, as Scorpio season begins on October 23, you might begin to feel more sensitive to external stimuli and ready to withdraw from the world for a little while. As the sun slumbers through your 12th house of spirituality and solitude, you’re spending the latter half of October getting to know yourself on a deep and intrinsic level. Don’t skimp on the introspection, because it will serve you well as the month comes to a close.
However, with that being said, you still have a long way to go. And on October 25, you’re about to start gaining an understanding of what career change you’re ready to make. As a solar eclipse in Scorpio sparks a transformation in your 10th house of reputation and public standing, you’re ready to make a name for yourself. The question is—what kind of meaning will your name hold?