Learn about the strategy of hyperautomation and how it can help organizations tackle business tasks more efficiently.
The strategy of hyperautomation lets organizations tackle simple, scalable, or repetitive business-associated tasks by removing manual steps or optimizing multi-step workflows. Standard automation processes ascend to “hyper” status when they drive cost reductions of 20% to 60% and increases in operational effectiveness of up to 50% for the tasks they target. Implementing a hyperautomation strategy isn’t always simple and straightforward.
While many business tasks and workflows could benefit from hyperautomation, building these solutions often requires greater investment in human expertise and software deployments that entail annual licensing costs. But an emerging type of hyperautomation solution, reinvented and simplified for business use, is now positioned to usher in broader business adoption, increasing profitability margins and organizational efficiency while freeing the human workforce to use their talents for bigger thing
Hyperautomation Business Tasks Automation Operational Effectiveness Efficiency