The Concours d'Lemons brings the world's finest rustbuckets to Monterey Car Week, one of motoring's most exclusive events. Here are some of our favourite cars from this year's event:
One of the most popular Lemons of the day, this Lincoln received the nickname Buttercup but attracted a line of spectators eager to climb aboard for a quick plush pony ride.The original Ectomobile from Ghostbusters tends to show up at a few car gatherings each year. Don’t mistake this Dodge Dart for that movie star, though. Apparently it was built to answer the question “who you gonna call?” with “not this car!”.
drivetrain in place of the originally planned electric components and fired right up after sitting for 43 years.In period, the Bricklin SV-1 touted features like an integrated rollover structure and impact bumpers to earn the Safety Vehicle 1 moniker. In reality, most Bricklins today tend to swiss-cheese into unsaveable rustbuckets — which only makes a clean example like this one all the more suspect.