A comprehensive list of 100 questions across a variety of genres to help you perfect the art of conversing with a woman.
In Virgil’s Aeneid, the epic poet conversationally writes “Varium et mutabile semper femina.” In case you’re a little dusty on your Latin, that translates to the popular, modern-day adage: “A woman is ever a fickle and changeable thing.” Yes, the art of talking to a woman is just that — an art. Say one thing, and you can derail an entire conversation that seemed to be getting a 10/10 ranking up until that point.
Or perhaps you pose a pointed question, only to be met with an eye roll and an awkward exit. Inquire about something else, however, and watch her face light up with appreciation and glee. To help you perfect this sometimes difficult dance of conversing with a lady (or anyone you’re getting to know, for that matter), we’ve created a comprehensive list of 100 questions across a variety of genres to get the spokes of a dialogue turning smoothly. Some questions are funny, some are insightful and some will show you’re interested in her as more than just a frien
Talking Woman Conversation Questions Dialogue Genres Relationships