Dmexco draws nearer and we are excited for our round table discussion with five commendable speakers from the marketing industry. Let us introduce you to Dörthe Jans, Director of Audience Data at YouGov_DE: World of Media Stage | 22 Sep 1:50 pm | dmexco
Marketing and advertising are all about a better world. Better products, better solutions, a better life. But what if we took a look in the mirror - do we practice what we preach? Marketers and advertisers might already be saving energy and recycling their waste at home, or working against sexism and racism privately, while their actions in business tell a whole other story.
Still, the world is changing: Environmentalists are starting to call for change in advertising. In cities like Hamburg and Berlin, vocal interest groups want to get rid of Out of Home Displays to reduce light pollution and CO2 emissions. Customers are starting to ask how and where campaign materials are produced. The German consumer researchers from GFK have found that even in times of energy crises, war and inflation, consumer consciousness for these topics is on the rise.
Meedia will host this roundtable with well-known personalities from advertising, media and publishing. It will be an open, honest discussion on a topic that affects all of us, all the time.Daniela Tollert, Chief Growth Officer of Group M.Anja Fricke, Senior Manager Communication, Lichtblick