From silent-film classics to modern rom-com hits, the best feel-good movies have a timeless power to bring out smiles—and sometimes a few tears too.
Are you one of those people who are into love, dreams, Irish people, yearning, rebellion, tough-loving big brothers, nostalgia, creativity, teenagers pouring their hearts out on acoustic guitars, music in general, and ’80s pop in particular with all the cool eye makeup and overcoats?who gave the world the Oscar-winning movie about buskers in love,This one’s just as pure of heart and just as full of transportive original music, but I’d argue that it’s also—what’s the word?—.
Young Conor is thrust into a Christian school full of bullies and run by a creepy totalitarian named Brother Baxter. Over the course of the movie, Conor starts a band to impress an aspiring model named Raphina, casts her in his new band’s music videos, finds his voice in all senses of the word, and imagines a future that even we are not quite sure is possible.