'We consider the case as closed now,' says Cotabato Mayor Bruce Matabalao at the presentation of the suspect to the media. Reporters were not allowed to ask questions to the suspect who wore a face mask, a cap, and a jacket.
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COTABATO CITY, Philippines – A 31- year old man has voluntarily surrendered to Cotabato City officials and admitted he was behind the March 10 killing of Michael Jan Mangulamas, a working scholar of Notre Dame University. The suspect, who is from Pagalungan, Maguindanao del Sur, wore a cap, a jacket and a face mask that concealed his appearance. Reporters were not allowed to ask him questions, and it was Matabalao who relayed information about the case to the media.
Matabalao said the suspect sent surrender feelers to the city government through the efforts of the camp of Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education Minister Mohagher Iqbal.