The Colorado Department of Health submitted the draft Suncor permit to the EPA. Will it be rejected? Neighbors aren't holding their breath.
Meanwhile, states such as California and Texas have set additional ambient air quality standards in lieu of EPA action. “That's what this bill this year is directing the state to do,” Curry says. “It's saying we're not going to wait on the EPA to do that. We're going to follow the lead of other states that have set these ambient air quality targets.”
That language is an example of why ambient air quality standards are needed, Curry says. If the bill becomes law, she adds, there will be better modeling and measurement of air pollution prior to permit approvals because the APCD will have a benchmark to refer to, rather than a patchwork of limits set company by company.
Though spokesperson Mita Adesanya, Suncor says that it followed all the requirements of the permit process.