Study assesses the cellular and molecular immunopathology of post-COVID lung disease medrxivpreprint ucl longcovid COVID19 covid SARSCoV2 lungdisease postcovid news medicalresearch
By Pooja Toshniwal PahariaApr 4 2023Reviewed by Lily Ramsey, LLM *Important notice: medRxiv publishes preliminary scientific reports that are not peer-reviewed and, therefore, should not be regarded as conclusive, guide clinical practice/health-related behavior, or treated as established information.
In the lungs of post-COVID-19 patients, radiological abnormalities comprise pneumonia, denoting sub-acute inflammation, and reticulation, denoting fibrosis. Additionally, they underwent bronchoscopy for persistent pulmonary symptomatology and radiographic features of inflammation or fibrosis after three to 12 months of acute COVID-19.
T-cell receptor clustering, upstream regulator, and pathway enrichment analyses were performed. The VDJdb database was referred to for obtaining TCRs of Epstein-Barr virus , SARS-CoV-2, and cytomegalovirus . Strikingly, comparable TCRs from various donors with either PCLD phenotypes were highly clustered, indicative of immunological responses specific to antigens, localized at the tissue level.
Inflammatory cytokines, T lymphocyte activation factors, tumor growth factor-beta , and osteopontin were more enriched upstream regulators of DEGs in the inflammatory post-COVID-19 lung disease monocytes.