After decades of monitoring, researchers reported last year that they had detected a subtle shift in the orbit of the closest known star to the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way—matching Einstein’s theory precisely. ScienceMagArchives
Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity has aced another test. Following nearly 3 decades of monitoring, researchers have detected a subtle shift in the orbit of the closest known star to the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way—and the movement matches Einstein's theory precisely.—within 20 billion kilometers—to our black hole, Sagittarius A*, last year.
As well as another stringent test of relativity, the researchers say their detailed tracking of S2 will allow them to study how much invisible material, including dark matter and smaller black holes, exists around Sagittarius A*. And that could help them understand how such behemoths grow and evolve.