Mental health challenges are associated with the effects of climate change, such as increasing temperatures, trauma from extreme events, and loss of livelihoods and culture. It’s not much of a leap to realize that women are going to face violence from men in such a pressure cooker.
The teardrop nation of Sri Lanka punctuates the southern tip of India, surrounded by ocean. Not surprisingly, the country relies greatly on water for its economy and for its very existence. Listed as very at-risk on theproduced by Germanwatch, a nonprofit development organization, Sri Lanka struggles with floods and droughts that severely impact not only agriculture, in which more than a quarter of Sri Lankans work, but also the salinity and quality of drinking water.
“There are records of domestic violence where men beat their wives, when even the smallest issues in regard to buying food or expenses for children’s education or farming have to be discussed,” she said. “I have got beaten up so many times,” Karunarathna told Thomson Reuters from her village of Sapumal Thenna in Sri Lanka’s North Central Province. “I suffer a lot.”, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found that mental health challenges are associated with the effects of climate change, such as increasing temperatures, trauma from extreme events, and loss of livelihoods and culture.
“There is mounting evidence from across the world — from sub-Saharan Africa to the Pacific to the U.S.