ARCHIVES: SPOTLIGHT: IN DEPTH: Landmark moment: AI beats humans in reading X-rays for TB
that “the results are in: artificial intelligence outperforms humans at reading chest X-rays for signs of tuberculosis”.. Though the exact details of the study are quite technical, it is fair to say that, as with chess, interpreting chest X-rays for TB is no longer exclusively the domain of clever, well-trained humans.
“For example, if the computer-assisted system detects shadowing in the upper parts of the lung or detects cavities , it is more likely to report probable TB. It can only [imply] the likelihood of TB and not definitively prove it. Thus, sputum-based testing and confirmation of the diagnosis are still required. Indeed, drug-resistant TB cannot be diagnosed using the X-ray approach,” he says.The latest findings are not unexpected.
According to Qin, the Stop TB Partnership is collaborating with the South African Medical Research Council to conduct an evaluation study in South Africa similar to that conducted in Bangladesh — given that the patient population is very different here, due to, for example, high HIV rates. Results from this evaluation are expected later this year or early next year.
The main advantage of X-ray screening is that it can help diagnose TB in people who do not have the typical signs and symptoms of TB, especially cough, says Professor Martie van der Walt, director of the TB Platform at the SAMRC.