Residents say hazards at Frances Place have persisted for years, citing uneven stairs, plastic windows that don’t open, caved in ceilings and poor plumbing.
Residents say hazards have persisted for years. The city says code compliance inspected and discovered property violations that have lingered.
“The City Attorney’s Office is aware that life safety issues exist on the property that violate the minimum property standards,” said city spokesperson Jennifer Brown, who did not specify what the violations were. “Officers have inspected several times since April 2022, noting minimal progress to address the violations,” she said Friday. “As a result, it is clear that escalated enforcement is necessary to ensure that this property owner takes seriously her obligation to provide tenants a safe and healthy place to live.”
Vacant units boarded up with plywood and plastic material windows at Frances Place Apartments, a multi-family complex in Dallas, on Friday, Sept. 23, 2022. Jefferson’s long-time friend Rock Bray lived in the complex for six years before deciding he’d move somewhere else. Management dragged their feet on repairing things like jammed doors and air conditioning units, he said.“That’s not right,” he said. “We’re not even carpenters and we know that!”