Ndebele Artist Esther Mahlangu's Assailants Free - South African News Briefs - October... allafrica: SouthAfrica EstherMahlangu Ndebleartist WesternSahara Loadshedding hospitals
Two men charged with assaulting and robbing world-renowned Ndebele artist Esther Mahlangu in April this year have had their case struck off the roll in a Mpumalanga court. The 86-year-old artist was ambushed in her Siyabuswa home and was robbed of money and her firearm,Mpumalanga National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Monica Nyuswa said the charges will be reinstated once the police have gathered the outstanding information.
The disputed status of Western Sahara - a former Spanish colony is considered a"non-self-governing territory" by the UN. Morocco has -since the 1970s - been pitted against the Algeria-backed pro-independence Polisario Front. President Brahim Ghali of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic was on a state visit to South Africa on October 18, 2022.