Former Steinhoff CEO Markus Jooste's Assets Seized - South African News Briefs - October... allafrica: SouthAfrica MarkusJooste Steinhoff SARB CyrilRamaphosa MinisterialHandbook perks ministers Russia Students Mpumalanga
reports. In what was called South Africa's biggest fraud case ever, Steinhoff is alleged to have misrepresented its balance sheets to shareholders for a number of years - a discovery that led to Jooste's hasty exit on December 5, 2017. Court papers state that the seized assets include Jooste's Lanzerac wine farm in Stellenbosch , his Hermanus property and other assets registered under his Silver Oak Trust valued at R1.2 billion.
reports that the department's contract with the agency that places students at Russian universities ended in March 2022.