The son of a man infected with hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV told Andrew Marr how the scandal tore his family apart and urged the government to vote for an amendment to support those given infected blood.
The son of a man infected with hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV told Andrew Marr how the scandal tore his family apart and urged the government to vote for an amendment to support those given infected blood. Tony Farrugia explained to Andrew Marr that his father was a mild haemophiliac who had lived a normal life before he died from contaminated blood. Many of the family also had haemophilia, who "rarely needed treatment" and "lived normal lives".
Before falling victim to the infected blood scandal, Tony's father, who was a gas technician, was given the one donor treatment of cryoprecipitate. He was then switched to the American Factor VIII treatment; and from his first infusion, he contracted hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. He then later contracted HIV through the Factor VIII treatment. Mr Farrugia's father became very ill before the "family kind of imploded", as Tony was removed from the family home and placed into care
Hepatitis B Hepatitis C HIV Infected Blood Scandal Family Amendment Support