Chicharito's estranged wife says her international soccer star hubby is a dead beat dad who isn't taking care of his kids
's wife is demanding her estranged husband PAY UP, accusing the international soccer star of being a deadbeat dad who's not stepping up as a parent to his 2 ... this according to court docs obtained by33-year-old Hernandez -- a member of the L.A. Galaxy -- is the MLS' leading scorer ... and one of Mexico's biggest soccer stars.married Chicharito in 2019 and has 2 kids with him ... but filed for divorce in February.
She also says Chicharito has been putting his kids in physical danger ... failing to put a fence around his pool because he didn't like the"aesthetics." Bottom line, Kohan says Chicharito earns over $8 million a year playing soccer ... and she wants him to fork over around $100K a month for child and spousal support.