SEMA Launches Emissions Certification Program For Aftermarket Parts Outside Of California | Carscoops carscoops
As has been widely bemoaned, it’s hard to modify cars in the state of California. In fact, it requires special certification from the state, so SEMA is introducing a new program to certify aftermarket parts outside of the state.
Dubbed SEMA Certified-Emissions , the program aims to help manufacturers verify that a product meets the EPA’s “reasonable basis” criteria and is legal for sale in 49 states. This, says the organization, can help aftermarket parts manufacturers get their products to market faster while they await a California Air Resources Board Executive Order in order to sell there.
“It’s now easier than ever for manufacturers to demonstrate emissions compliance,” said Mike Spagnola, SEMA VP of OEM & Product Development Programs. “SEMA Certified-Emissions is a major accomplishment in accelerating a manufacturer’s ability to get products to market, and it paves the path to obtaining emissions compliance in all 50 states.
“SC-E gives manufacturers much greater options and opportunities,” said Peter Treydte, SEMA Director of Emissions Compliance. “This is a significant milestone in the industry’s ability to provide products to consumers. We look forward to working with members and helping them go to market with SEMA Certified-Emissions products.”
The program builds off SEMA Garage’s work in helping aftermarket parts makers apply for CARB executive orders since 2014.