San Jose shooter had 22,000 rounds of ammunition, 12 firearms, multiple cans of gasoline and suspected Molotov cocktails in his home, sheriff says.
While witnesses have said Cassidy appeared to target certain people, the Sheriff’s Office said Friday that “it is clear that this was a planned event and the suspect was prepared to use his firearms to take as many lives as he possibly could.”
Cassidy's locker at the rail yard had “materials for bombs, detonator cords, the precursors to an explosive,” Sheriff Laurie Smith said. U.S. customs officers who detained him in 2016 on his return from the Philippines found books about terrorism and fear as well as a memo book filled with notes about how much he hated the Valley Transportation Authority. But he was let go, and a resulting Department of Homeland Security memo on the encounter was not shared with local authorities.
John Courtney, president of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 265, said in a statement that union officials “were not, repeat not" there to attend any such hearing “or to respond to any jobsite or racial-oriented complaints."