For subscribers: Arizona lawmakers hit an almost immediate roadblock on a new state budget Tuesday, hours after it was introduced and just nine days before a deadline that could shut down the state government.
Corrections & Clarifications: A previous version of this article should have said a Senate bill that has stalled would continue the Arizona Board of Regents. An incorrect board was originally reported.hours after it was introducedWork on the nearly $18 billion spending plan skidded to an abrupt halt when the Senate budget committee chair, Sen.
Tuesday's theatrics exposed tension between the House and Senate, as one of Gowan's pet bills, a tax credit for movie production companies, remains stuck in the House Rules Committee. Gowan made an oblique reference to Rules chair Rep. Travis Grantham, R-Gilbert, as he complained about promises that weren't kept.
“Nine days, the clock is ticking and now we have a testosterone-fueled fight between two grown men," Rios said.Arizona Legislature to consider largest ever expansion of private school vouchersLawmakers discussed the budget as a roughly $16 billion plan, but it also includes an additional $2 billion drawn from sales tax revenue and earmarked for specific projects.