Writing in his weekly open letter to the public, President Cyril Ramaphosa said businesses must take advantage of the Employment Tax Incentive to hire more young people and create learnerships.
President Cyril Ramaphosa is calling on businesses in South Africa to harness skilled, talented and experienced young people while incentivising tax reductions for businesses that do so.
“There are currently 2.9 million young people registered on SAYouth.mobi, and many organisations, companies, and departments use the platform to provide opportunities to young people.” He added that by the end of August, 245,000 young people will finish their ten-month placement in schools and will join the ranks of approximately 600,000 young South Africans that have participated in the youth employment initiative since its launch in 2020.
They have received accredited training across several disciplines, ranging from digital literacy to basic bookkeeping, from child and youth care to bricklaying, plastering and plumbing, said Ramaphosa.