Bishop Dimver Andales ran for councilor under the 2022 ticket of Cagayan de Oro Mayor Rolando Uy, and helped city hall as a volunteer during the early stages of the new mayor's administration
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Arrested was politician and Bishop Dimver Andales and his associate pastor, Jether Nonot, of the Lapasan Baptist Church. Police alleged that Andales, a candidate for Cagayan de Oro city councilor in the 2022 elections, masterminded the May 9 murder of 2023 Mister Cagayan de Oro bet Adrian Rovic Fornillos, while Nonot is accused of serving as an accomplice.The 24-year-old Fornillos was shot by a gunman as he was riding his motorcycle in Barangay Nazareth, Cagayan de Oro, on the evening of May 9.
Andales, a prominent preacher with close ties to politicians, has strongly denied any hand in Fornillos’ murder., and helped city hall as a volunteer during the early stages of the new mayor’s administration.