Along the way, the line could serve major destinations like Japantown, USF, UCSF, and SF State.
The San Francisco County Transportation Authority has directed staff to begin working on a strategy for a Geary-19th Avenue subway.
That fever dream took one tiny step closer to reality on Tuesday morning when the San Francisco County Transportation Authority board directed planners to begin working on a “strategic case” for a Geary-19th Avenue subway. In a presentation to the SFCTA board, which consists of the 11 members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, planners provided the most detailed map yet of where this new subway line might go.
“Having connectivity regionally and to the rest of the transportation network will really support the changes that are happening in the west side,” Melgar said, citing major developments planned for Stonestown Mall and S.F. State. One proposal being studied would connect the Geary-19th Avenue subway to the BART system, providing new direct connections from the west side of San Francisco to the East Bay and the Peninsula.