For the first time since 2016, people living in Phoenix will have the opportunity to apply for the city's Housing Choice Voucher Program.
"The Housing Choice Voucher Program, also known as Section 8, offers rental assistance to members in our community that need assistance to afford private market rent," said City of Phoenix Housing Manager Elenia Sotelo.
"The City of Phoenix is provided a certain amount, a finite number of vouchers as funding from the federal government, from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. And so we continue to work through and provide vouchers as additional vouchers or funding becomes available," Sotelo responded.
In the current climate of affordability, along with the housing prices that we are seeing in the Valley, we asked Sotelo if they are prepared to be overwhelmed. However, the city still needs more landlords to join the voucher program in order to eventually meet the great need.