The community is singing Yuga Labs' praises after around 4,500 people successfully jumped into Otherside’s first trip. Moving forward, the team is gearing up to launch an 11-part storyline game mode on the Metaverse platform.
The first phase will include an 11-part storyline game mode surrounding a “mysterious Obelisk” that has appeared in Otherside. The game mode will also allow users to explore what can “be harvested, crafted, traded, bought, and sold” in the game.
“Voyagers will play a large role in shaping the core capabilities of the platform through exclusive events, playtesting opportunities, and as co-developers of our Otherside Development Kits ,” the litepaper reads, adding that: “In order to plant the seeds for a successful community, we are starting development on Otherside with Voyagers, who are our first adopters and believers. They are a crucial part of Otherside’s history and are invited to join the Voyager’s Journey.”
In terms of principles, Yuga Labs stated that the platform is being designed with a community-first approach, “genuine” asset ownership, and interoperability that will see the support of NFTs from other projects. The team also hopes to include incentives and support such as education, experience, and leadership from partnered entities that are well “established and respected” in the crypto space.