Also: With children being slaughtered, no one should be satisfied by these half measures...
,” : Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. warned against the “tranquilizing drug of gradualism.” We should heed his warning. The Senate’s proposed new gun laws will have little impact on mass shootings. The proposed legislation does not outlaw the sale of military weapons to the public. Assault rifle sales and possession will go on unabated.
So long as these military weapons are sold to the public, we will continue to have mass shootings. With children being slaughtered, no one should be satisfied by these half measures that stop nothing but the cry for action.There can be little doubt that throughout history, in every culture, there are mentally ill people who, in moments of rage, want to inflict as much harm as possible to those around them.
,” : I read this morning that Republican House Speaker Dade Phelan wants $170 million for safety and mental health. If he gets it , it would almost make up for the more than $200 million that Governor Abbott cut from mental health services, in order to. If Republicans really cared, they would use some of that $2 billion for mental health, instead of political theater.
They might even use some of it to counter the devastating effects of global warming, one of the main reasons for the current tides of mass migration by people who can choose to starve, or migrate.