DisChem’s BBBEE certificate (dated 2 August 2022) shows that it has Level 8 status, with a score of 55.7 points. This is the lowest possible level, with scores of under 40 deemed ‘non-compliant’ Moneyweb
The furore over the leaked memo from Dis-Chem CEO Ivan Saltzman last month has largely died down. In the memo, Saltzman announced a moratorium on the hiring of white managers in an effort to improve its transformation objectives. The retailer’s board rushed to apologise for the tone of the letter but noted that its “intention” would remain. The group’s disclosure of the composition of its workforce in its annual report is limited. It states that 84.
According to its 2021 sustainability report, Clicks has five white male managers out of 12 in top management, and 31 white male senior managers out of a total of 92. At board level, Clicks is also ahead, but Dis-Chem at least fares better here than in its management ranks. However, it has not a single black executive director. Dis-Chem’s B-BBEE certificate shows that it has Level 8 status, with a score of 55.7 points.