'Not only did I have ovarian cancer but, because it had spread outside of the abdomen into my chest, around my oesophagus and heart and on my bowel, it was stage 4b'
When Pauline Donnelly was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer in 2021, she desperately wanted to read stories that gave her hope.
"She then asked me the question “and what about the bowel and waterworks?” at which point I told her things were actually a bit off kilter . "Within a week I underwent a series of ultrasound scans, CT scans and biopsies and on 18th April I was given the devastating diagnosis – not only did I have ovarian cancer but, because it had spread outside of the abdomen into my chest, around my oesophagus and heart and on my bowel, it was stage 4b."
"I was desperate to find stories like mine when I was initially diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. I had no idea where I would be or how it would go," she added. "After four cycles of chemo, and much discussion with both my oncology team in the Belfast City Hospital and the team at the Christie Hospital in Manchester, it was finally agreed that I could be taken to surgery. This was also an extremely traumatic journey as due the pandemic, limited slots for theatre were available.
"My final end of treatment scan reported the most welcome result that there was no evidence of disease and since then my CA125 marker remains stable at 7 or 8. I was then put onto a maintenance programme for two years and so far, these drugs have kept me well and I am back living my life to the best of my ability and with a heart full of gratitude.