released Friday by the firm Data for Progress—polling only 484 likely voters—suggests Gov. Andrew Cuomo faces plummeting support among New Yorkers, with a majority saying he should resign amid twin scandals and facing increasing scrutiny.... [+]When asked for their opinion on Cuomo's potential resignation, 59% of all respondents said the governor should resign immediately, according to the poll released Friday.
When asked if they would re-elect Cuomo, just 18% of Democrats answered affirmatively, as 57% said it is"time for someone new." Cuomo, 63, coasted to re-election for his third term in November of 2018, receiving 59.6% of the vote. And, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, New Yorkers lauded the governor for his handling of the crisis. In June, Cuomo registered a
That’s a lie
Good. They’re right. CuomoResign
He should resign already except he can prove the multiple sexual allegations against him... It's disgraceful already, 8 more women just came forward accusing him of sexual misconduct...
Majority or not Gov. Cuomo is not about to resign.
If there is so much power, why is the present day church walking in sin? 이토록 큰 권능이 있는데, 왜 현대 교회는 죄 속에서 걷고 있나요? MegaGlobalHealingService 회개와_거룩함 메시아께서_오신다 주님의_길을_예비하라 .,+