Give the teens in your lives opportunities to develop skills that will help them achieve current and future goals. Learn more ways to positively engage youth and help prevent teen pregnancy: HHSPopAffairs NTPPM OWH30
OPA’s grantees are working to support replication of evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs in communities with the greatest need; increase capacity in communities to serve vulnerable youth, including homeless youth, parenting youth and those in juvenile detention and foster care; fill gaps in the knowledge of what works to prevent teen pregnancy; and test new, innovative approaches to combating teen pregnancy.
has served more than 1.43 million young people across 41 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, and the Marshall Islands. Currently, the TPP Program serves nearly 250,000 young people per year. This program has trained more than 23,000 professionals and established partnerships with more than 19,700 community-based organizations across the United States.
have provided screening and preventive health services to more than 190 million clients, including 50.8 million adolescents. OPA’s Title X clinics have performed more than 18.3 million HIV tests, 37 million Pap exams, and 42 million breast exams. For many clients, Title X clinics are their only ongoing source of healthcare and health education.Births: Provisional Data for 2019