'Do you take any responsibility at all for the toxicity on The View?' asks Andy Cohen during her appearance on WWHL (via toofab)
"I adore Whoopi and I love her. I think things went off the rails," Meghan tried to explain."I was trying to give context to my experience living ... I just wanted to explain myself and the things that happened."
"Yeah, you know, that’s a really interesting question and I think only one person was bullied out of their job and doesn’t work there anymore and I think that really says it all," she replied.recent tell-all book, both Meghan and S.E. criticized the book for the way Katie talked about walking over other women in the business to get ahead. They both insisted that's not how women treat one another anymore, and Katie's book is thus not pro-women.
"Is it pro-women to work in an environment where because you have a different political opinion you are leaked about every-- I told you this when I was on the show forever ago, it was like ‘The Truman Show,'" she said.