says Dr. Jerry Abraham with Noxon . "I was overwhelmed with their efficiency, kindness and compassion," the producer says of Kedren Community Care Clinic, where she received her first COVID-19 shot.
says Dr. Jerry Abraham with Noxon .
When Marti Noxon headed to Kedren Community Care Clinic to receive the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine earlier this year, she was awestruck by what she found at the South Los Angeles facility."They were one of the first facilities in Los Angeles breaking down barriers to receiving the vaccine, focusing not only on their community, but all of Los Angeles," says the producer and showrunner."I was overwhelmed with their efficiency, their kindness and compassion.
She is not the only one who has taken notice of the vaccine operation guided by Kedren's Dr. Jerry Abraham, who has made headlines for his efforts not only to secure vaccines for vulnerable populations but for how he's orchestrated distribution plans with the"Live, Work, Worship & Play" campaign.
The methods are serving as blueprints for vaccine distribution in other areas, both across the U.S. and globally, and Abraham is looking to travel to help implement his initiatives in order to stop the"needless loss of life" that continues to happen abroad amid slower vaccine rollouts."We do it equitably, fairly and justly," Abraham tells, confirming that they are approaching nearly 160,000 shots distributed."We have figured out how to vaccinate people in South L.A.