The study demonstrates that two experimental male contraception pills successfully lower testosterone. A new study presented at ENDO 2022, the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society in Atlanta, Georgia, suggests that two experimental male contraceptive pills appear to successfully reduce testoster
Currently, male contraception is limited to vasectomies and condoms. The researchers hope to provide more options in the future.
The drugs, DMAU and 11-MNTDC, are categorized as progestogenic androgens. These medications reduce testosterone, which reduces the number of sperm. Lowering testosterone levels often has unpleasant side effects. However, the majority of the men in the trial were willing to continue taking the drugs, indicating that the adverse effects were acceptable.
The study consisted of two Phase 1 clinical trials with 96 healthy male participants. For 28 days, the males in each trial were given either two or four oral pills containing the active drug or a placebo. Testosterone levels fell below normal after seven days on the active drug. The testosterone levels in the placebo-taking men remained within the normal range.