DepEd regional offices and school division offices may order the suspension of classes amid the soaring number of COVID-19 cases and infected teachers and students. | JEMendozaINQ
They should also make necessary adjustments in the school calendar to ensure that the number of class days in the current school year will be within the minimum 220 days.
Private schools, on the other hand, may also implement a similar directive as to the suspension of classes and K to 12 learning activities when COVID-19 risks in their respective areas are high, according to San Antonio. “During the suspension of classes, all synchronous and asynchronous classes shall be put on hold while submission of academic requirements and conduct of other teaching- related activities must be moved to a later date. For late submission of requirements, accommodations must be afforded for those with valid reasons,” San Antonio noted.
The directive was made following the Alliance of Concerned Teachers’ report on Tuesday that more than 50 percent of teachers in Metro Manila have flu-like symptoms, prompting the militant teachers’ group to call for a