Numerous domestic flights have been canceled on Monday,, Oct. 31, after Tropical Storm PaengPH whipped many parts of the country and disrupted normal airport operations. | BPinlacINQ
Cebu Pacific Air announced Sunday night that the following Monday flights are called off:5J 893/894 Manila – Caticlan – Manila5J 963/964 Manila – Davao – Manila5J 637/638 Manila – Puerto Princesa – ManilaCebu Pacific said passengers affected by the cancellation of flights were informed about the development and the options available to them, which they can
access through the airlines’ website.Z2 0430 Manila – Puerto PrincesaZ2 0613 Manila – DavaoZ2 0777 Manila – CebuZ2 0605 Manila – BacolodAirAsia said that affected passengers may opt to move their flight within 30 days from the original departure date, have the value of their flight booking credited for future travels with the airline or request for a refund.