Whether you are a ministry leader with a comfortable budget or a leader with no budget, we can all learn ways to save money. Here are just a few ideas to consider.
My mother is the queen of finding a bargain. I can’t remember a time when she purchased an item of clothing at full price. She frequently carries coupons in her purse. In many ways, I’ve adopted her practices and cringe when confronted with the dilemma of waiting until something was at least half the original retail price. A maternal voice is inside my head with the familiar adage that a penny saved is a penny earned.
If you’re a ministry leader, you may find yourself looking for bargains and even free resources. This is not just a sign of frugality; it’s a desire to be a good steward of the finances entrusted to you. So whether you are a ministry leader with a comfortable budget or a leader with no budget, we can all learn ways to save money. Here are just a few ideas you should consider.
I’ve also realized that purchasing Bible study videos and leader kits can add up over time. While serving at a larger church, I created a lending library so women could check out resources and use them for personal use or by starting a group in their homes. It was a great way to get more mileage out of the investment, and it benefited more women in the long run.
And don’t forget the resources in your congregation. If you’re coordinating an event and you need centerpieces, consider asking women to bring items from their homes that fit the theme. For example, maybe you’re hosting a spring event and you don’t have the money for elaborate decorations. You could consider asking women to bring birdhouses from their collection at home and using them throughout an area.