Kenneth Kaunda, Zambia's first and longest-serving president, has died at 97
Africa’s postcolonial leaders often fit a familiar type: the freedom fighter, the autocrat, the revered elder statesman. Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia was all three.
His transformation from anti-colonial strongman to beloved former leader largely resulted from a seminal moment in African politics. After an unexpected electoral trouncing in 1991, Mr. Kaunda stepped down without a fight. Other African leaders, notably Mr. Mugabe, made different choices, disregarding the results of democratic elections that threatened their power.
Kenneth David Kaunda was born April 28, 1924, at the Lubwa Mission near Chinsali, a small town in what was then Northern Rhodesia. His father taught there and Mr. Kaunda followed in his footsteps, studying for two years in Lusaka. He returned to work as a teacher and later headmaster at the mission. Mary, the Princess Royal, representing Queen Elizabeth II, handed over the Instruments of Independence to Mr. Kaunda during the Zambia Independence Ceremony in Lusaka on Oct. 24, 1964.On economic policy, he borrowed from the Soviet Union’s approach to government-administered central planning. Mr. Kaunda was influenced by Christian ideals as well.
At the time, the Zambian leader’s grip on his country was slipping. In 1990, Mr. Kaunda was still governing under the state of emergency in place at independence almost three decades earlier. An attempted coup and food riots prompted him to reinstate opposition political parties., the country’s first such contest in 17 years, he was soundly defeated by Frederick Chiluba, a union leader whom Mr. Kaunda had briefly jailed 10 years earlier.
Mr. Kaunda’s reputation also benefited from the failures of his successor, Mr. Chiluba, whose market measures failed to lift many Zambians out of poverty.