EXCLUSIVE: HBO Max has set the full cast for its lifeguard drama pilot Ke Nui Road. Robbie Magasiva (Spreadsheet, Wentworth), Andrew Creer (Lethal Weapon, You), Tessa de Josselin (Mr. Inbetween, Pa…
is a contemporary drama set on the North Shore of Oahu, focusing on the relationships between an elite crew of heavy-water lifeguards and the teens and young adults they mentor and train in the junior lifeguard program. The junior guards program embodies the beauty, the danger, the struggle, and the spirit of aloha — all centered on the ocean — that is modern Hawaii.
Kekumano is Laka, a fun-loving local boy from a big Hawaiian family, fearless in the ocean, never afraid of a good time. Loganbill will play Mahina, the smart, fiercely independent, middle daughter from a working-class Hawaiian family fighting to remain on a North Shore that’s becoming too expensive for the Hawaiians who’ve been there for generations.