Plus: get ready for the weekend with these fresh diversions.
, which is set somewhere in “middle Europe”, Winslet’s Elena Vernham is wracked with a terror of mould. “The palace is infested with spores; the problem is real for the chancellor,” her right-hand woman advises Herbert Zubak , a trigger-happy corporal who’s been brought in to be the chancellor’s personal mould-tracker.
Can AI understand love? That’s one of the questions Berlin-based Australian artist Paul Knight asks in, an artwork featuring in this year’s Adelaide Biennial, in which a computer continues a conversation between Knight and his partner, Peter, using, as a starting point, all the texts between them in the first few years of their relationship.
Ever feel like the world is going to hell in a handcart? UK journalist Jon Ronson certainly does but, instead of throwing up his hands in despair, he goes to the frontlines of the culture wars that have exploded across the internet. The second season of his podcastfocuses on the first two months of the COVID-19 pandemic, when conspiracy theories spread faster than the disease.